
What a whirlwind!!!!!

feb 25-march 3: wow. I have been so busy I barely know where to begin! On friday I had scene study and continued to work on my dramatic chops. Saturday I had two workshops with the casting director of NCIS Jason Kennedy and then Lindsey Graham from Betty Mae casting- they are huge. Black swan anyone? Then sunday the 27 I went to a fun little Oscar party with my fellow actors with Antonia (Millennium Artists). It was at a well known photographer's house, Deidra Fahey, who has done all of our headshots and is close with us all. We all filled out ballots and each bet a few dollars to see got the most right. Though I voted for The King's Speech  to totally sweep, I lost. Still so much fun though! Monday I had another scene study (This time we worked on comedy), tuesday another workshop that was with Jennifer Lare who casts Parenthood. Then wednesday I found out I had a major audition for a motion picture thursday morning. That night after another scene study I worked with Antonia. Can't go into detail, but I was just so excited to even be seen for the project. I met the director, the writer and was so blown away! I also had a star sighting- Vera Flaminga the oscar winner! The audition was right on venice beach so I got lunch at a famous vegan place "Seed" and walked along the beach:) So that is my week! More next time!

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